Viewing Monster

#1680: Hill Wind

Monster ID 1680 Sprite HILL_WIND_1
kRO Name Hill Wind Custom No
iRO Name Hill Wind HP 4,233
Size Medium SP 0
Race Brute Level 45
Element Wind (Lv 3) Speed 170
Experience 2,132 Attack 320~510
Job Experience 1,722 Defense 10
MVP Experience 0 Magic Defense 15
Attack Delay 504 ms Attack Range 3
Attack Motion 480 ms Spell Range 10
Delay Motion 360 ms Vision Range 12
Monster Mode
  • Change Target Chase
  • Change Target Melee
  • Angry
  • Can Attack
  • Aggressive
  • Can Move
Monster Stats
STR 21 AGI 42 VIT 31
INT 50 DEX 67 LUK 23

Hill Wind Item Drops

Item ID Item Name Drop Chance Can be stealed
7115 Harpy Feather 40% Yes
7116 Harpy Talon 30% Yes
528 Monster's Feed 10% Yes
510 Blue Herb 0.1% Yes
4345 Hill Wind Card 0.01% No

Monster Skills for “Hill Wind”

Name Level State Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable Target Condition Value
Hill Wind@NPC_WINDATTACK 3 Chase 5% 0.5s 5s No Target always 0
Hill Wind@NPC_WINDATTACK 3 Attack 5% 0.5s 5s No Target always 0
Hill Wind@MG_THUNDERSTORM 5 Attack 20% 1.5s 5s No Target attackpcge 2
Hill Wind@WZ_JUPITEL 3 Attack 5% 1.5s 5s Yes Target always 0
Hill Wind@WZ_JUPITEL 3 Chase 5% 1.5s 5s Yes Target always 0

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